Tag Archives: Violence

When You Take Your Hands Off Our Benefits, Then We’ll Take Our Hands From Your Throat

As I documented yesterday in The New Civility: Left Threatens Fox News Reporter Days Before Assault By Union Demonstrator the vitriol and violence of the Left is increasing. Rather than write a long post I thought I’d just let the Left tell you their stories in their own words and deeds. BE WARNED: Foul Language and Violence on Display.

A Union thug physically assaults a Tea Party counter-protester, shoving him into a fence, while a policeman then helps the thug get away. (H/T Breitbart)

Union thugs decided to take their violence to the FreedomWorks office, bringing blogger Tabitha Hale face to face with their hatred and violence. (H/T Redstate)

During a rally February 26th in Lansing Michigan the son of a counter-protester, who happened to be panning his camera across the crowd, was verbally and physically assaulted by a left-wing out-of-control attendee. (H/T Michelle Malkin)

At the pro-public sector union rally at the State of Illinois building in Chicago on February 26th, one protester who calls himself PackerBackerBob carried a sign claiming “the GOP hearts the KKK.” When asked to explain it, he offered $1 million to anyone who could prove it wrong before challenging anyone who disagreed to a fight. (H/T TheCuriousTask)

A cameraman documenting the rally organized by AFSCME at the Rhode Island Statehouse rally on February 22nd for public access TV was verbally assaulted with homophobic slurs by an ‘alleged’ union member. (H/T Breitbart)