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Hey, Rachel! A Closed Mouth Gathers No Feet.

Once again the left conveniently disregards their own behavior.

Rachell Maddow, apparently short on content for her MSNBC show, chose to sterotype teapartiers based upon a few attendees who have shown up with signs comparing Obama to Hitler.

Was Rachel even awake during the 8 years of the Bush administration?

Perhaps the left should refresh their memory, lest they continue to deny their own behavior. A very small sampling of the left’s hatred for President Bush are displayed below.

Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain

Media Proponents of  Global Warming are living in the Land of Oz.

On November 19, 2009 the world of climate science was rocked by the release of a collection of email messages, data, and data processing programs from the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The information collected as part of a Freedom of Information request was accessed and publically released by either a computer hacker or whistleblower.

Dubbed “Climate-Gate” the information revealed falsified data, rigged experiments, challenges to bar opponents from formal publication, conspiracies to delete information and the loss of original climate data supporting the theory. Since the story broke both the United Nations and NASA have come into question over their use of specious data as a means to support the global warming theory.

Liberal proponents of the Global Warming  theory within the media have assailed Americans for decades advocating Green Environmentalism and promoting the alarmist theory. As far as proponents go, they’ve been master propagandists, deliberately spreading lies and attacking opponents to further the agenda. In their world, Green is the new Red, and if you’re not buying Communism they have Environmentalism to sell you.

Global Warming is a deliberately designed construct intended to con you out of money, prosperity & freedom. It’s about control and wealth redistribution. Follow the money and you’ll see the media has a financial stake in Global Warming’s success rather than a deep caring for the environment.

In two weeks, the Climate-Gate scandal has gone viral throughout the internet, but something is noticably missing. Journalistic integrity and investigative reporting by the mainstream media with little to no coverage of the Climate-Gate scandal. ABC’s This Week aired a mention of the story November 29, and NBC Nightly News finally noted ClimateGate December 5, but fretted it could “delay taking action” on global warming. CBS is yet to inform their viewers.

Update (Dec 5, 2009): CBS Nightly News finally mentions Climate-Gate but questions the validity of global warming scepticism.

Even the Washington Post has finally seen fit to give some space at the top of Page One to the largest scientific scandal of all time, albeit on a Saturday three weeks before Christmas. The New York Times touched on the subject but ends crying, “Aarrggghhh!”  or whitewashing the entire affair. Translation: Damage control.

So as with Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, despite what you may read and hear elsewhere, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The liberal mainstream media wants you to believe if they’re not reporting on it, you don’t need to know it.